Internship process at unibz, steps before your arrival:
The internship lasts 200 hours and it is performed during the first semester of the second year at a company that has a software unit or is a software company.
Here, it is the process:
– By April 30, send your updated CV to Please include in it all your competences, in particular in programming.
– Your CV will be circulated to our companies. You can find a non-exhaustive list at the EMSE page
– You can also propose a company in Bolzano that you already are in contact with. In this case, your proposal requires the unibz approval. For this, write to the local coordinator Barbara.Russo@unibz an email with the company name, internship goal and activities, and duration (it needs to be 200 hrs),
– Soon after your arrival, we will organise individual interviews with the companies so that the company and you can choose each other.
– If everything goes as usual, you will start your internship by November 1st,
– With the company you will negotiate the time in which you will be at the university and the time in which you will be at the company site, so that you can easily attend the few other courses of the first semester,
You can also anticipate your internship to the summer before your arrival. In any case, you need the EMSE Joint Board approval. For this, again send me an email with the company name, internship goal and activities, and duration (it needs to be 200 hrs).
You can also do an internship at the Australian Research center CSIRO, in this case write and an email soon and read the details for the Visa process
Should you have any further question do not hesitate to write the Elena Gabardi or the local coordinator an email.
Internship registration process at unibz Career Service:
Once you have enrolled at unibz, you will have access to your student account a.k.a Cockpit and you can find details about how to have your internship recognized in unibz.
Career Service of unibz supports you with the internship recognition process:
And here are the steps:
- Search the company or the institution where you want to undertake your internship and make sure that the activities to be carried out are consistent with the content of your study programme.
- Discuss your internship programme with your company tutor.
- You need to find an academic tutor in your faculty to have your study programme approved by them (see regulations). Your academic tutor may ask you to put in writing or explain in an interview the reasons why you chose that type of internship. The Faculty of Economics always requires students to put their motivation in writing and hand it to academic tutors.
- Please specify, in your internship agreement, what your role will be in the company where you choose to take your internship. You will also have to specify if you regularly use company-owned means of transport and if you travel abroad during the internship. Travelling in Italy and abroad are usually covered by the insurance, and it is important that these travels are mutually agreed upon in writing with the hosting company.
- At the end of your internship, the company tutor will write a report about the work you carried out at the company and the academic tutor will also write a report using the Dublin descriptors.
Documents you need to read :
- Internship Regulations
- Vademecum german/italian
- Internship type
- Motivation letter – guidelines
- Final report – guidelines
- Dublin-Descriptors
- Technical report – Traineeship experience of unibz students german/italian
Document to be handed in in two original copies at least two weeks before the start of the internship
- Internship project
- Motivation letter (only students of the Faculty of Economics)
Documents to be handed in in original copies within six weeks from the end of your internship
- Final assessment by your tutors
- Final report
Würth Phoenix Srl, Bolzano, Italy
Würth Phoenix Srl is an international software company with more than 100 employees distributed in the three different countries: Italy, Germany and Hungary. As software and consulting company of the Würth Group offers international fitting ERP and CRM solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics. Würth Phoenix refer to global experiences in implementing business software and many years of expertise in wholesale distribution, inventory management and logistics. With the Microsoft Dinamics AX and CRM based industry solutions, WP provide the foundation for optimized business processes in wholesale trade, logistics and inventory management. In IT System Management WP rely on technically mature monitoring solutions based on Nagios, which are seamlessly integrable into existing IT infrastructure. Würth Phoenix NetEye is a complete package based on common ITL standards that approaches IT al corporate productivity factor. Würth Phoenix will be available to host EMSE students for their internship.
Kiratech, Verona, Italy
Kiratech is a system and Cloud integrator with passion and 20 years of experience in IT market. The mission of Kiratech is to help companies in their journey to the Cloud by adopting innovative paths such as software defined Data Center and Big Data Analytics in a secure way. Our goal is leading our customer to efficiency and productivity assuming IT as a-state-of-the-art business driver.
IDM Südtirol - Alto Adige, Italy
IDM stands for Innovation, Development and Marketing. We act on behalf of the Province of South Tyrol and the Bozen-Bolzano Chamber of Commerce to ensure your entrepreneurial success. We provide services in the areas of export, innovation, tourism and agricultural marketing, and support you in your business activities to enable you to maintain or increase your competitiveness.