Mobility rules:
At the end of the first academic year students move to the second hosting university.
To continue with their second year study students are requested
1. To complete at least 52 out of the 60 ECTS requested for the first year. Students must submit their transcript of the first year to the local coordinator one week before the first Joint Board meeting of the second academic year (typically at the end of October). At the meeting, the Joint Board approves the mobility toward the second hosting university
2. To pass the local language exam of the first year. Students must submit the corresponding certificate to the local coordinator one week before the first Joint Board meeting of the second academic year (typically at the end of October). At the meeting, the Joint Board approves the mobility toward the second hosting university
Quality rules:
1. students are requested to attend the Summer school
Procedure to get the double diploma
1. Once the student has graduate from the second year hosting university, can request the recognition of his study at the first year hosting university. The courses and any activity is recognised and the grades are translated in the educational system of the first year hosting university. You can find the table of conversion for the grades at the following link grade conversion