awarding procedure

The awarding procedure is the same for the two calls of each EMSE edition.

A Selection Committee consisting of academic representatives of all universities will review the candidacies.

Applicants that fulfill the admission criteria will be ranked according to the selection criteria. If any scholarship is available, a preliminary scholarship list and a reserve list will be defined accordingly.

The Selection Committee will interview applicants in the preliminary scholarship list.

After the interviews, a final ranking list and reserve list are formed.

Applicants in the final ranking list will be awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship according to the availability in each mobility track and the order of the ranking list. If no scholarship for the mobility track chosen by an applicant of the ranking list is available, the applicant will be offered a scholarship for a different mobility track. In case of applicant’s refusal or no answer by the confirmation deadline, the first applicant of the finalised reserve list will be offered the scholarship. The selection will continue iteratively until all scholarships have been allocated.

Applicants in the reserve list will be awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship only in case of refusal of applicants in the ranking list.

Applicants of the ranking list must communicate the acceptance and participation to the programme by the date specified in section 10. Applicants in the reserve list will be notified of available scholarships and confirm their acceptance and participation to the programme as specified in Section 10.

Applicants that fulfil the admission requirements but do not belong to the ranking and reserve list are not awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, and can participate to the EMSE programme as self-paying student.

For the 2nd call for admission the admission to the program can be notified even before the final deadline of the call. Only the scholarship award will be notified after the call closing deadline.