UNIBZ - Barbara Russo - Consortium Coordinator
Dr. Barbara Russo is Associate Professor at UNIBZ and director of the Master Course in Computer Science. She has been the local coordinator of the EMMC EMCSE(2007-2012). Formerly, she visited the Max-Planck Institut für Mathematik, Bonn and the University of Liverpool, UK as Marie Curie Fellow. Her last publications include Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, and Journal of Software Systems. Her books include Adopting Open Source Software, A Practical Guide (with Fitzgerald, Kesan, Shaikh and Succi), MIT Press, 2011. She participated in EU projects like NAME FP5, COSPA FP6, CALIBRE FP6. Her research interests are in the field of empirical software engineering and software measurement with focus on Open Source software and agile methods email: emse-secretariat@unibz.it phone: +39 0471 016125
UPM - Xavier Ferré - emse-secretariat@fi.upm.es
Dr. Xavier Ferre, associate professor at the Computer Science School at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), was the Director of the Master Universitario en Ingeniería del Software – European Master on Software Engineering at UPM in the period 2011-2012 and Associate Director for International Relations for this same Master program since 2014. His primary research interests are interaction design in mobile applications and the selection of UCD methods for application in software development projects. He has taught tutorials on the latter in the 28th Intl. Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'06) and CHI-2011. He has authored with Nigel Bevan the online tool for practitioners usability planner (http://usabilityplanner.org/). He has co-authored highly cited papers with Ben Shneiderman and Larry L. Constantine. He is member of the program committee of the INTERACT conference since 2007, of the Spanish and Latin-American INTERACCIÓN conference since 2006, and of the Intl. Conf. on Human-Centred Software Engineering (HCSE) since 2008. He has been a visiting researcher at CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics), Switzerland, and at the HCIL (Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory) - University of Maryland, USA, and a Visiting Professor at the School of Software Engineering with the Modular Professorship program of Tongji University, China. He is the associate director of the UPM - El Mundo chair on Digital Communication since 2013.
OY - Markku Oivo
Markku Oivo (PhD, eMBA) is full professor at University of Oulu since 2002. He is head of the Department of Information Processing Science and M-Group currently on a sabbatical at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Prof. Markku Oivo has 30+ years of research, R&D and management experience in academy and industry in Finland, US, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. During 2000-2002 he was Vice President and director of R&D at Solid Information Technologies. He held several positions at VTT in 1986-2000 including Professor and Head of Embedded SW R&D. He has held visiting positions at the University of Maryland (1990-91), Schlumberger Ltd. (Paris 1994-95), Fraunhofer IESE (1999-2000), University of Bolzano (2014-15), and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2015). He has worked at Kone Co. (1982-86) and at the University of Oulu (1981-82). He has initiated and managed more than 100 national and international research projects and programs with tens of millions of Euros.